Peoria, Arizona
eldertlc Please say Hello to Lee Garcia. 🎅🏼 Lee is one of the amazing caregivers (and one of the longest employed) at Paseo Village Senior Care Community. Paseo Village is one of our fortunate recipients during the holidays. We spoke with Lee about his experiences: ElderTLC: Lee, what has your experience been with residents who have no family or friends during the holidays? Lee: “My experience is emotional to see residents that don’t have family members to care and bring joy during the holidays. This is why your help is greatly appreciated!” ElderTLC: How do you determine who might benefit from our gifts? Lee: “We make the decision accordingly to best meet their needs. Some might need shoes or sweaters, etc., so we decide case by case.” Thank you, Lee! 🎅🏼. We’ll be back soon with more from Lee & Paseo Village.